
Spanish Interesting Wedding Story

Spain is a country with a long history and splendid cuture. Spanish has consistently maintained its own unique customs which is evident in the wedding customs. In spain there is no arranged marriage. Some parents even don't ask any details about the two falling love youngs, and if they want to marry each other, the parents would not say any words to object. Therefore, the phenomenon difficult to find your boyfriend or girlfriend is not exist in Spain. And the lonely-hearts ads is rare except the older teens.

In some places in Spain, when two youths date, they usually put a chair or a small stool in oneside. No one sit on it or puting things or it. It is for a fictitious third people present, symbol they are cared under the guardians.
Another interesting is the couple should cut cakes to struggle the family dominance on the wedding ceremony. And this must be the most lively and solemn moment on the wedding. For guests usually rack their heads to make fun of the couple, they ask all kinds and various question to add the joyous celebrating atmosphere.

The story goes that, when it is time to cut the cake, the seivece will fetche a huge multideck cake, made by coloful cream patterns and written with "happiness". The groom was eager to cut it, but the bride had to stop him. However, her strength is not as strong as the bride. As the cake was almost being cut. The bride hurried to step one foot on the groom so as to distract his attention. However, who can imagine, the groom took this chance to cut the cake into two big blocks and took off one shoe of the bride at the same time putting the shoe high to show off his strength, causing applauses and laughs from present people. The guests started to share the cake. In fact, the bride didn't want the groom to loose fave in front of everybody, she intentionaly to make a sacrifice, deliberately raise her shoe without no ties. And today, the couple usually cut the cake together to imply harmonious marriage life.

Lastly, the bride and groom will dance on the wedding babquet until the tomorrow's dawn.

