
Wedding Customs You Don’t Know

The world is full of unique things that you don’t know, and different place have different wedding ceremony. Some of them are really strange. Now let’s have a look what their wedding customs are.

First is the East Nigeria. There, the groom have to be sent to the bride and greeted by beating with a stick. And that is a way to check whether the groom is ready to bear the burden of the family life. And Yemen have the same custom. I bet the groom must want only one marriage in their life to avoid more stick beating.

As to many west wedding tradition have such a wedding ritual that the bouquet thrown by the bride on some one’s hand, it means that the next one going to marry is the girl catching the bouquet. However, it is not the same in Finland. After the wedding, brides wear golden drowns and all the unmarried women will dance in a circle around the blindfolded bride, waiting for her to place her crown on someone’s head. No matter who she crowns, she would be the lucky one to wed next.
And another same behavior is in Greece. The bride will launch a pomegranate, smashing it to the ground, releasing its lucky seeds. Certainly, the pomegranate symbolizes fertility and good luck and it’s not common to have them as ornaments in home. And in Turkey, there is a similar custom like throwing of the bouquet. Before the bride goes down the aisle, young single ladies write their names on the soles of her shoes. At the end of the night, after all the dancing, the bride checks her shoes and the name which has been rubbed off the most indicated the next person to get married!  

Have you ever heard the word - Polterabend. It is a custom from German. Maybe you would feel lucky that there are family and friends gathering to give the bride and groom a glimpse into the trials and tribulations of marriage life. However, it is not since the guests will go on a breaking and bashing spree, smashing to pieces crockery, tiles, basically anything except glasses and mirrors. The bride and the groom have to them clean up everything because that’s what they will be doing the rest of their lives. Will you be happy to clean up the mess? I prefer not.  

I have to say most of the wedding night is spent in a romantic way, but not the customary wedding in Rome. The groom is required to ‘kidnap’ the bride. When a man managed to kidnap a girl and hide her for two-three days, she will officially become his wife. Does it sound like funny. But it’s true.

Do you believe that the wishes you gained will bring you good luck? Before a traditional wedding, close friends of a Czech bride would plant a tree in her garden, decorating is using ribbons and painted eggshells, since it is believed that the bride will live as long as the tree. Would your friends “trim” its roots? It is a test for your friends, too.

